Cut your Pool Maintenance Time down with a Robotic Cleaner

People love to have a swimming pool to call their own, but they often don’t like all of the work that is associated with it. Of course it is understandable why someone would rather be spending their free time in the water instead of cleaning the water. Yet cleaning is an inevitable part of having a lovely swimming pool you can spend time in. One way you can reduce that time you spend though is to use a robotic cleaner.

This is a type of device that will do the dirty work for you. While you will still have some aspects of your swimming pool to clean, you won’t be doing as much. These robotic cleaners have definitely improved over the years as well. The newer models are smart enough to be able to detect the size and the shape of the swimming pool you have.

They can be customized to take care of all your cleaning needs. You can program to complete specific cleaning patterns. It can also be a different pattern in a different area of our swimming pool. It is really amazing to watch these machines work because the technology involved with them is very advanced. It is almost like they have an actual brain that they use to logically move on to the next location that needs to be cleaned in your swimming pool.

Imagine not having to spend hours cleaning the sides and bottom of your swimming pool. All of the bacteria and algae will be taken care of by the robotic cleaner. As a result will also find your chemical levels stay where they should with less variations to worry about. Still, you do need to be consistent when it comes to checking them just in case.

One of the reasons why people have been hesitant to buy these robotic cleaners though is the high price. You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that not only have they gotten better over the years but they have gotten cheaper. You can buy a very good model of robotic cleaner for a very good price. It is definitely worth the time you will save.

To help you save even more time, consider a robotic vacuuming system as well. It will go around our swimming pool and remove dirt and debris. In fact, you can find combination ones that remove dirt, debris, bacteria, and algae. They are a great price for all these features, and you will save a ton of time on the maintenance of your swimming pool. Look for one with a great reputation as well as an outstanding warranty.

Periodically watch your robotic cleaners to be sure they are doing a good job. If you experience any problems contact the manufacturer. It is important to only use them as directed. Otherwise you risk injury, ruining the equipment, and damaging your swimming pool. Keep in mind there are quite a few models to choose from so take your time to see what is out there.

Many swimming pool dealers and supply locations will have these robotic cleaners on display. You can watch them in action and that can help you to decide what you want to buy. Take the time to read about what other consumers have to say about them as well. Look for common themes that indicate people are happy with them or that the product leaves much to be desired. This way you won’t be disappointed at what the robotic cleaner you purchase has to offer.

Basic Tools to help you Keep your Swimming Pool well Cared for

In order to care for your swimming pool properly, you need to have the right tools readily available. Without them you won’t get the same quality of results that you need. There are swimming pool tool kits you can buy that come with all the basics. Generally you will find that you do save money this way as well versus buying them one at a time. Do yourself a favor though and buy good quality tools. That way they will last you can be confident they will assist you with getting the job done.

254389_3230392377674_1372984876_nYou will need a skimmer which is basically a net attached to a very long pole. This allows you to skim the top of the water to remove leaves and other floating debris. Get it all out of there as soon as you can. The length of the handle you need will depend on the size of your swimming pool. You certainly want it to be long enough that you can reach the middle of the swimming pool without a struggle.

Even if your swimming pool has a surface filter for this purpose you will find there are objects you need to remove on your own. Make sure you check that filter often too as it can easily become clogged due to the amount of debris it collects. You also need a vacuum so you can remove the dirt and debris that finds its way to the bottom of the swimming pool as well. Even if you can’t see it, there is a good chance it is there. You don’t want to get into the swimming pool and feel gritty debris under your feet.

Aloha BlueYou need a brush head that fits onto a pole too. This way you can scrub the walls of the swimming pole. The floor should also get a good cleaning occasionally this way as well. This way you can eliminate any types of algae that may be forming there but not yet visible. There are some electronic devices now for swimming pools that do this for you. If you get one make sure it is compatible with your type of swimming pool.

Testing kits are essential so you can check the level of chlorine, Ph levels, and more in your water. Staying on top of them will help ensure your pool is always in good shape for a person to get into. Not testing can result in your swimming pool becoming damaged. It can also result in you having to drain the water out of it, clean it, and then refill it which is both expensive and time consuming.

You may find you want to buy some additional tools in order to make the process of maintaining your swimming pool better. Start out with the basics though and then go from there. Keep in mind that there is no way around taking good care of it though. Don’t be taken for a ride by advertisements for products that fail to deliver.

Take the time to research any tools you want to buy for maintaining your swimming pool. There are plenty of reviews by businesses and consumers to be found online. You also want to make sure you only use such tools for the right purposes. Failure to do so can result in them being ruined as well as your swimming pool being damaged.